
  • ISOTONIC DRINK 500ml (within 1 hour before the race) + 1 cap SALTS-Electrolyte
  • 1 ENERGY GEL with caffeine 5 min before the start


  • 1 ENERGY GEL each 30-45 min, depending on your requirement level. Each gel must be consumed with water.


  • RECOVERY DRINK, 250ml inmediately after the finish
  • ISOTONIC DRINK 500ml within the following 30min
  • NIGHT RECOVERY DRINK, 25-50g mixed in 100-200ml of water (or milk), 30min before going to sleep



  • ISOTONIC DRINK 500ml (within 1 hour before the race) + 1 cap SALTS-Electrolyte
  • 1 ENERGY GEL with caffeine 5 min before the start


  • Half ENDURANCE BAR per hour, eaten with small bites and some water, if you prefer to eat some solid products during the race. In this case you should reduce the number of gels
  • Half 800ml bottle with ENERGY DRINK or SUB9 ENERGY DRINK
  • 1 ENERGY GEL BIO each 30-45min, depending on your requirement level. Each gel must be consumed with water
  • 1 or 2 SALTS cap per hour, depending on the heat


  • RECOVERY DRINK, 500ml inmediately after the finish
  • ISOTONIC DRINK 500ml within the following 30min
  • NIGHT RECOVERY DRINK, 25-50g mixed in 100-200ml of water (or milk), 30min before going to sleep



  • ISOTONIC DRINK 500ml (within 1 hour before the race) + 1 cap SALTS-Electrolyte
  • 1 ENERGY GEL with caffeine 5 min before the start

Durante la prueba:

  • Half ENDURANCE BAR or half SALTY BAR per hour, eaten with small bites and some water, if you prefer to eat some solid products during the race. In this case you should reduce the number of gels
  • Half 800ml bottle with ENERGY DRINK of SUB9 ENERGY DRINK per hour
  • 1 ENERGY GEL BIO each 30-45min, depending on your requirement level. Each gel must be consumed with water
  • 1 or 2 SALTS cap per hour, depending on the heat

And if lasts more than 12h, each 6/8h:

  • ENDURANCE BAR, NORMAL or SALTY, or some sandwich
  • One 250 ml bottle with RECOVERY DRINK in the middle of the race


  • RECOVERY DRINK, 500ml inmediately after the finish
  • ISOTONIC DRINK 500ml within the following 30min
  • NIGHT RECOVERY DRINK, 25-50g mixed in 100-200ml of water (or milk), 30min before going to sleep
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